A person that keeps track of the time taken by a process or activity.
Your control the timing device to help all members with a role to opperate in a timely manner. VETC has a grueling agenda that can only be completed on time with the help of the Timer. The Timer operates a laptop computer that displays green, yellow, red and black to let all roles know their elapsed time.
Ensure the timing laptop is properly set in a place where it is easy to view from the front by all people on stage. If the laptop is not out, check with the Sergeant at Arms. Make sure you know how to operate the device.
Get your Timer's Report Sheet from the Sergeant at Arms and a copy of the meeting agenda from the Toastmaster.
Confirm scheduled participants with the Toastmaster.
Make note of the scheduled time for every role. Even the Toastmaster must stick within an alotted time. Some speakers have 10 minute speeches. Confirm this with the Toastmaster before the meeting. This will avoid clapping down by mistake.
The Sergeant at arms will call you at the begining of the meeting to give a brief description of your role, and to explain how time is measured on the timing device. You ought to explain what the different colours mean: When the screen turns Green, the speaker has reached midway in their speech; Yellow is a one minute warning and time to start wrapping up; Red is the end of time and a 30 second time of grace; If at the end of this grace period, the speaker is still talking, the screen will turn Black and you, as the Timer lead the audience in clapping down the speaker.
Keep a record of each speaker's time to report at the end of the meeting.
During the break, set the timer to run for the duration of the break (time set by the Toastmaster). Tell the Toastmaster or Seageant at Arms when there is about two minutes before the end of the break, so the meeting can reconvene in time.