An official responsible for making formal announcements at large social events.
The Toastmaster is the meeting’s director and host. You won’t usually be assigned this role until you are thoroughly familiar with VETC and its procedures. Remember that performing as Toastmaster is one of the most valuable experiences in your club work. The assignment requires careful preparation in order to make your meeting one of VETC’s best.
When you sign up and are confirmed as the Upcoming Toastmaster, you must attend the meeting prior to the one where you will take on the role. You must attend that meeting at 6:00PM to ensure you stand with the Greeter, and receive members as they arrive. This way you can ask fellow affiliates to fill in roles for the meeting you will be in charge of. Before that meeting is over, the Toastmaster will call you to the front to announce the roles that are still available, and get as many roles filled as possible.
The Executive Team will send you an email template which you will fill out and send periodically during the following week to continue recruiting for any vacant roles. The email should go out no later than Saturday and once or twice again before the meeting if roles are still open. Contact the Executive if you need help.
Prepare the meeting agenda and print out copies for the SAA, Timer, General Evaluator and yourself.
It is your responsibility to provide healthy snacks and drinks for the meeting. The treasurer is authorized to reimburse up to $15.00.
Show up at 6:00pm. You’ll need time to make sure the stage is set and everything is in place for a successful meeting.
Hand out copies of the agenda to your SAA, Timer and General Evaluator.
Make sure the General Evaluator and the Vice president of Education have spoken to the Speech Evaluators, Topic Master, Grammarian, Ah Counter, etc and reminded them of their responsibilities.
Prepare introductions for each Speaker. A proper introduction is an important element to the success of the Speaker's presentation.
It is also important to prepare remarks which can be used to bridge gaps between program segments. You may never use them, but you should always be prepared to avoid possible awkward periods of silence.
Sit at the front of the room, and have your speakers do likewise for quick and easy access to the lectern. Make sure your Sergeant at Arms reserves the seats and has a hot-seat ready.
Preparation is the key to your success. As the Toastmaster, you’ll introduce each speaker. Remember to keep the introductions short and sweet. Begin the meeting with a welcome and introductions of functionaries and guests.
Exchange handshakes with those arriving at and leaving the front to show when control passes from the Toastmaster to the speaker and vice versa. Remain standing near the lectern until the Speaker has acknowledged you and assumed control of the meeting; then take your seat.
You will lead the applause before and after when a new speaker makes their first Icebreaker Speech. You also lead the aplause before and after every Table Topics Session.
After the prepared speeches you inviete everyone to the social room for refreshments. Inform the Sergeant at Arms the time assigned to the brake, if your Serggeant was out of the meeting room when you annouced it. Let the SAA know the time in which the meeting is supposed to be resumed, and remind him/her to call people to order 3 minutes piror. When your SAA give the 3 minute warning, you invite everyone to do a toast. Make sure you speak loud and clear. At the end, remind everyone that food and drinks are not allowed back on the meeting room.
On the second half of the meeting you are responsible to introduce the Table Topic Master. After the Table Topics speeches, you invite everyone to vote for their preferred speaker. Make sure Your Sergeant at Arms passes on ballots and/or pens if any one requires them.
While votes are being tallied, invite comments from guests and announcements from members.
Introduce the next Toastmaster for the following week. Give time for them to verify next week's program, and calling for role volunteers.
Introduce your Sergeant at Arms to present awards.
Adjourn the meeting.
Links for these documents are provided above in "PRIOR TO THE MEETING INSTRUCTIONS" paragraph.